Sunday, June 26, 2011

Welcome to Lazure Custom Wall Designs Blog

I would like to welcome everyone to the first Blog of Lazure Custom Wall Designs.
Initially I would like to discuss ideas about color that have brought me to where I am now in my understanding of this amazing facet of our physical world.  It is my hope that others will join in on the discussion and offer their own perceptions and ideas on this most beautiful aspect of the natural world. 

I believe that the study of color and working with its dynamic principles can offer a healing and regenerative energy to any and all who take it up as a creative pursuit. This is how I approach all the work I do with the Lazure painting technique. How can these translucent washes of color on walls add the re-balancing of the energies of home, office or public space?  At the artistic end of this spectrum, a creative and methodic working with color in the sense world can act as ancillary support for a meditative path to discovering the challenges of spiritual growth and development.

Much of what I have learned about color and its relationship to spiritual development comes from my study of Rudolf Steiner and his philosophy called Anthroposophy. It is through the insightful artistic/therapeutic work of Liane Collot d’ Herbois, and her uniquely creative elaboration of J.W. Goethe’s color theory,  that all color is born out of a dynamic working of light and darkness. Much of  my own artistic work finds its anchor, if not always artistically, certainly as creative philosophy from this source. Other great spiritual teachers, color theorists, and artists have all added their insights and beauty to aid my continuing understanding and research as an artist and human being. Their names and examples of their work will find their way into this blog and to all of them I express a humble gratitude for their devotion, their dedication, to the world of color as it relates to the pursuit of Beauty, Truth and Goodness.